Martin B-26 Marauder

B26.COM is dedicated to Martin B-26 Marauder Men who fought in World War II. Personal accounts, photos of crews and planes, and related information.

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The first Martin B-26 Marauder mission flown was by the 22nd Bomb Group on April 5, 1942. Launched from Garbutt Field, Australia the B26's staged through 7 mile drome near Port Moresby, New Guinea to strike the Japanese base at Rabaul, New Britain. The B26's had to stage through 7 mile drome to top off the gas tanks to enable them to reach Rabaul and then fly back to Port Moresby. The conditions encountered by the crews of the 22nd Bomb Group were primitive in the extreme by comparison with those of the 9th Army Air Force (AAF) crews later in the war.

The last bombing mission by a Martin B-26 Marauder Group was that flown on May 1, 1945 by the 17th Bomb Group 1st Tactical Air Force. They bombed the gun positions on the Isle d'Oleron, France. The last Martin B-26 Marauder mission was flown by the 1st Pathfinder Squadron when 8 of their B26's led 130 Douglas A26's of the 386th, 391st, 409th and 416th Bomb Groups to the Stod Ammo plant in Czechoslovakia on May 3, 1945. More info...

The following Marauder Men and their families made this website - thank you!
Don't forget to sign the guest book.

A Clay Abraham, Bob Ahrens, Richard A. Ainsworth, Manuel Albuquerque, Hubert Dwain Allberry, E.J. Allen, Gerald "Gerry" L. Allen, John Allen, Richard Earl Allen, Andy Anderson, Charles Anderson, Diamond Anderson, Edwin Jack Anderson, Max Anderson, Roland C. Anderson, William B Anderson, Jean Annez de Taboada, Casimer Apolinski, John Armstrong, Joseph Armstrong, Carl Arnold, Michael Astuto, Robert Auer

B Julius Bargholz, Douglas Bertram Barker, Arthur Barton, Edgar Beal, William Beaulieu, Wendell S. Beazer, Max Bedell, Delwin "Del" Dale Bentley, William Berry, Sherman Best, Robert F. Birch, Theron Blackwell, George Blancard, Julian Blount, William F. Blumer, Jack Bogle, Lloyd Bond, Thomas C. Bond, Paul C. Bonifacino, Gottlieb "Doc" Borgardt, Nick Bouras, John Bourlier, Bob Bouse, William Paul Boyle, Paul Brady, Willis "Willy" L. Brainard, Mark Pritchard Bratton, Ivan Breaux, Ron Briscoe, Clifford Brokaw, Robert "Bob" J. Brockett, Robert Brockhouse, Joseph Bruck, Richard Brunsman, Frank Buchanan, Christian Burger, Warren Butterfield, Andrew F. Byrd, Alfred Byrnes

C Jack Caldwell, Albert Caney, Robert "Bob" Leo Carden, Francis Carney, Kenneth Carty, James Carver, Nelzo "Nels" Cassano, Joseph Castoro, David Castrellon, Leonard Chiazzari, Rollin D. Childress, Everett Chrisco, Curtis S. Church, Bill Churchman, Joseph Chiozza, John Citti, Donald Clark, Maurice Cohen, Joe Coleman, Robert J. Collins, Theodore Francis Barnabus Collins, John W. Colsch, Willie Cone, Robert Conlen, Joe Connery, Robert Conrad, Ed Constable, Clark Cordill, John A. Corley Jr., Robert Coseo, Lauren Cowallis, William Cox, Ralph Craig, Charles Crecelius, George Croote, Russ Crumrine, Comelous Cruse, George Curtis

D Aldon Dancak, Neil C. Davis, Fred Dees, Gene DeLorenzo, Guerino Del Pesco, Myron Denny, Thomas W. Deering, Harry Deutman, Kenneth DeVerna, Francis Dickason, Norman Disharoon, Michael Donahoe, Joe Donato, Richard Donnelly, Frank. L. Donovan, Fred J. Dopheide, Harold Dorsen, Glenn E. Doyal, Joseph Dranchak, Jim Draper, Marvin Neil Dugger, Clyde Duke, Ed Dunn, Gordon E. Durland

E Stephen Eady, Theodore Eaton, Carl Eckhardt, Roy Edge, Dwight Edwards, John Egan, Glenn L. Eggleston, Paul Ellzey, Jack Emhoff, Santo Endrizzi, Malcolm Enlow, Donald M. Epstein, Paul Ermler, Mal Ernest, Jesse Eubank, John Eubank

F George B. Fallon, Jim Farrell, Luther Feagin, Robert Felt, Richard Felton, Samuel "Tex" M. Findley , Joseph M. Finn, James Fisher, Frank Fitzer, Eugene Fletcher, Frederick Floyd, Girard Forcella, John Ford, Armin Frank, John L. Franzen, Richard Frederick Frazier, Clifton Freeman, Elmer Freeman, Don Frisbie, Raymond Fuller

G Charles Garrett, Moses "MoJo" Joseph Gatewood, Jr., Robert Gatrell, David Gearing, Nathan Geren, Lawrence Gillen, Joseph G. Gisavage, James Ellison Glattly, David C. Gleason, George Gleason, Fletcher Glenn, Leonard Goldberg, Dexter B. Goodwin, Ernest William "Bill" Goodwin, Lee Goodwin, Gilbert J. Gorski, Paul Gowey, Harry Graham, Sidney C. Grahn, Harry Gray, James Gray, Robert Gridley, Leo Green, Chester Everett Greenwood, Joseph A. Grow, Paul Guertin, Richard "Dick" Gunn

H William Haban, Josiah Hackney III, William A. Hahn, Boyd V. Hall, Robert Hammerberg, Thomas Handlon, Albert Hands, Elmer Hansard, Julius Hansen, Willie E. Hardy, Clyde Harkins, William Harris, Howard Hartley, John R. Hartman Robert Harwell, Ted Harwood, Homer Hash, Paul Hayslip, Richard F. Hazelton, John Helden, Joseph Patrick Hegarty, Benjamin "Ben" W. Hicks, Leroy Hildebrand, Albert Hill, Henry Hill, Phillip Himmel, Donald Hines, Arlie C. Hitchcock, Frank Hobbs, Sterling Hoch, Horace E. Hodge, William C. Hoeb, Jim Hoel, George Adam Hofmann, Lawrence M. Hohlaus, Thomas Holland, Robert Holliday, Leonard Holmes, William "Bill" H. Hornbarger, Jack C. Hornsby, Jim Houston, Thomas Howard, Stanley Hughes, Murlin Humphrey, Daren Hurst

I Walter Jennings Ives

J "Bud" Jackson, Willard Jacobson, Paul W. Janssen, Edwin Vincent Jendzeizyk, Charley Johns, James Jones, Robert Jones, Walter Joos, Paul Jorgensen, Kenneth Juhl, Loy Julius

K Eugene Karlberg, Morris W. Kautz, Marvin Keller, Robert "Bob" W. Keller, Wilmoth Keller, George L. Kelly, James Kelley, Newton H. Kershaw, Wetzel Kimball, John Kim, Francis Kirby, Bob Kiriakides, Mahlon Kiscaden, Lloyd Kisner, Rubin Kichen, Edward Klemz, Chester Paul Klier, David Knight, Joe Knight, Leroy Knight, Chester H. Koneful, John J. Kostel, Eddie Kozlowski, Lewis Kranz, Lawrence Kreissler, Delbert F. Kretschmar, Howard Vincent Krump, Stanley Kucinski, Joe Kurill

L Bill Laberee, Matteo LaMuraglia, Oliver Lane, Kenneth Larsen, Robert Lawrence, Garnett Lawton, Jack Laydon, Joe Lazar, Léon Lebreau, Charles Leja, Arthur LeMieux, Chalender Lesher, Donald Leslie, Fred Levy, Roy Lewis, Darrell R. Lindsey, Lee Lipkis, Richard Lloyd, William Lloyd, John Long, William Lopatin, Lloyd Love, Domitilo Lucero

M John Magella, Peyton Magruder, Dom Malchiodi, Mason Mandell, Chester Mann, Hugh Manson, Ralph Marble, Hector Marcil, James Marcus, Samuel Marsh Jr., John Milton Martin, Melvin "Irish" W. Maslowsky, Merrill Matthews, Floyd Mauth, Leonard A. Mayer, John McBride, John McCabe, Robert McCallum, Eugene John McCarthy, James McCarty, Thomas J. McCaslin, John McClurkin, Garrett Patrick “Mac” McGowan, Douglas H. McKellar, Frank E. McKeown, Robert McMillan, Weldon Mellody, John Merrill, Elmer C Meitzner, Roy Meyer, Curtis Miller, David Miller, Joseph Miller, Vincent Eugene Miller, Albert Miner, Fred Mitchell, Victor Mitel, Hank Moen, John Moench, Floyd R. Monroe, George Moon, Elliott Swift Moorhead III, Wyatt Moore, Thomas Morgan, William Morgart, Louis Morin, Robert J. Morris, Dwight L. Morrison, Edward Morrison, Vincent J. Mosca, Smith W. Moseley, Arnost Mrtvy, William Mullinix, Edward V. Munge, Manuel Muniz, Eckard Munsch, Thomas G. Murphy, Odell Myers

N Robert Nachel, Mark Nagel, Merv Neis, Earl Milo Nelson, Neil Leon Nelson, John Nemeth, John Newman, Edward Nielsen, Albert Norman, William North, Edward Norton, James Norton

O William T. O'Brien, Frank Ockert, James E. O'Connor, Edwin Odell, William O'Hara, Ronald O'Neal, Roscoe Orr, John O'Shaughnessy, Frank A. Osetek, George Osgood, Paul Ostrom, Edward H. Ott, Robert Ozburn

P Ed Pakish, Clint Palmer, Herchel Palmer, Perry Parish, Paul V. Parkosewich, Harry Patterson, John Payne, Joseph Peachman, Robert Peale, LeRoy Percy, John Perry, John D. Perry, Jr., Earl Oakley Petersen, Edward Peterman, Max Petrisek, William A. Phillips III, William Edwin Phillips, Raffaele Pietroluongo, Joseph Pollock, Ralph Porter, Vito Portanova, Gaston Poulin, Charles D. Powers, Paul Robin Priday, Edward Proctor, Donald Eugene Proudfit

R Eli Radanovich, Ray A. Ragsdill, James Ray, Louis Rehr, Leslie Reynolds, William Reynolds, Robert Richards, Wilson Riedy, Herbert Ritter, Clark Roberds, Richard Robinson, Roger C. Roland, Bill Rose, Joseph Ross, Stanley George Rotkewicz, Donald Wilson Round, Raymond Rowland, Carl A. Royer, Alphonse S. Rutkowski

S Charlie Salas, Henry Samspon, George SanGregorio, Charles Sanza, Robert Schacht, Byron Lee Schatzley, Eugene Schultz, Philip "Phil" R. Scheier, Kenneth Schell, Richard Schlosser, Joseph Thomas Schoeps, William Schulte, Roland Scott, Earl J. Seagars, Roy Seymour, Thomas M. Seymour, John Sharpe, Bill Shaughnessy, Donald Short, Harold Simmons, James Skinner, Joseph Sloane, Clifton "Parker" Smilie, Gayle L. Smith, James Smith, Sydney Smith, William E. Smith, Acile Sneed, Casimier Sochocki, Harry Songtag, Nolen Sowell, Worth Speed, Harry Sperry, Paul Stach, Donald M. Stangle, Paul Starr, Vernon Otto Staub, Allen Stephens, Royce Stephens, Mont Stephensen, Myron Sterngold, Joe Stevens, Edward Stiffler, William Stockstill, Clifford Alexander “Alec” Stodghill, Dearing Frank Stone, William "Bill" C. Stuckey, Jim Stratton, Leo Sugerman, James Sweeney, Eugene Swinford

T Herbert Tanner, Robert Tate, Harry T. Taylor, Les Tenold, Harold Tharp, Donald Thomas, Parry Lloyd Thomas, Burl  Thompson, Bernard Thompson, Clifford A. Thompson, Robert Vonley Threadgill, Sonny Timbers, Edward Tipton, Leo Tomasiewic, Chuck Tompkins, Ramsay J. Toon, Jay Troup

U Emil A. Uhlig

V Clair Van Camp, Jack Vandegrift, Jerry Vath, Benjamin Vaughan, Walter Thomas Vaughn, John Velthouse, Burton Lee Vreeland, George Vidusic, Colin Villines, David Vreeland

W Walter Wagner, Thomas Wakeman, Richard Waidelich, Stanley "Stan" Walsh, Willard Wales, Auzzie Warlick, Duryea Warn, Lawrence Weaver, William Weissker, Jerrie C. Wells, Jack Whitley, Ralph Willett, Harry Williams, Jim Williams, Ray Williamson, Don Wilson, Ralph Wilson, Rufus Wilson, Henry Winstell, Bob Witty, Charles "Randy" R. Wolfe, James Womack, Burton M. Woskoff, Frank Walter Wright

Y James "Jim" L. Yep, Thomas B. Yester, Howard W. Young

Z Norman P. Zierk, Robert Zinkgraf, Richard Zinkowski, John Zitnyar, John Zubeck, Ralph Zuranski

451st Bomb Squadron, 456th Bomb Squadron, 391st Bomb Group, UK Marauder Bases, South African Air Force (SAAF), The Flying Wedge (456th Bomb Squadron)

Featured Dedication Pages

Jack Bogle, US Navy Radioman JM-1 Unit, Naval Air Station; George Croote, South African Air Force Pilot, 30th Squadron, SAAF; Joe Donato, USAAF Gunner 17th BG, 37th BS; Roy Edge, USAAF Pilot 322nd BG, 452nd BS; Samuel Findley, Eng/Gunner, 323rd BG, 453rd BS; Robert Harwell, USAAF Pilot, 344th BG, 497th BS; Albert Hill, USAAF Lead Bombardier, 386th BG, 553rd BS; Chester Klier, Eng/Gunner, 386th BG, 552nd BS; Lee Lipkis, Headquarters, 322 BG, 451 BS; John Moench, USAAF Pilot, 323rd BG, 454th BS; Louis Morin, Engineer/Gunner, Free French Air Force; Donald Proudfit, Master Sergeant, 391st BG, 575th SQ; Donald Round, USAAF Pilot, 320th BG, 444th BS; Gayle Smith, USAAF Group Operations Officer, 387th Bomb Group; Ray Williamson, USAAF Pilot, 386th BG, 553rd BS; Curtis S. Church, 320th Bomb Group, 441st Bomb Squadron; Donald Wilson Round, 320th Bomb Group, 444th Bomb Squadron;

B26 website index by Major General John O. Moench, USAF (Ret), US Army acknowledges B26.COM

Martin B-26 Marauder Archives My Trip to the Marauder Archives

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Updated: September 19, 2024