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Alphonse S. Rutkowski, Martin B-26 Marauder Man
17th Bombardment Group

Made Technical Sergeant

A 1ST TACTICAL AIR FORCE B-26 MARAUDER BASE, France.— (Special)—-Alphonse S. Rutkowski, 29 Park Street, Amsterdam, N. Y., has been promoted to technical sergeant. An armorer gunner, he has been overseas nine months with the AAF's oldest medium bomber group. He has flown 53 missions.

Sergeant Rutkowski has been awarded the Air medal with five Oak Leaf Clusters and the Good Conduct ribbon. He is also authorized to wear the European Theater ribbon with one star and the Distinguished Unit badge.

Awarded Air Medal

A 12TH AAF B-26 MEDITERRANEAN BASE.—(Special)—Staff Sergeant Alphonse S. Rutkowski of 29 Park Street, Amsterdam, N. Y., an armorer-gunner with the AAF’s oldest B-26 Marauder group, has been awarded the Air Medal for “meritorious achievement in aerial flight”.

He has been in the Mediterranean theater of operations five months and has flown 35 missions over Axis territory. He has also been awarded the European Theater ribbon.

His was the first B-26 group in Major General John A. Cannon’s 12th AAF to complete 400 missions over enemy territory and was recently cited by General DeGaulle, chief of the French Armies, for outstanding support of the ground . forces in Northern Italy.

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